The Camelot Institute of Human Interactions
«"Do what you wish." That must mean I can do anything I feel like. Don't you think so?» [...]
«No, - he said in his deep rumbling voice - It means that you must do
what you really and truly want. And nothing is more difficult.»[...]
«How can I find out?»
«By going the way of your wishes, from one to another, from first to last.
It will take you to what you really and truly want.»
The Neverending Story, Michael Ende
Inspired by the Arthurian cycle and the wonderful wisdom of fantasy literature,
The Camelot Institute of Human Interactions®
is a magical place, a place of (re) discovery of one's creative potential, a place of growth and awareness, a place of personal blooming.
With the guide of our excellent Team you will learn how to transform your emotions, your needs and your desires into feelings, actions and will.
Are you ready to do some Magic?
Our Team
Paola Gonella
Relationship Counselor
Gender-Based Violence Prevention
Empowerment, Leadership&Charisma
Adoptive mother, HR consultant and counselor in intra-family relationships and in systemic-relational training for companies. Paola has a degree in economics and clinical psychology, with a three-year master's degree in counseling and specialized in couple therapy. Since 2018 she is a co-founder of The Awareness of Venus, an onlus that works for the prevention of gender-based violence.
Giulia De Bellis
Teenage&Parenting Consultant (10-20yo)
LGBTQIA+ Consultant
Gender&Sexuality Sociologist
Queer, neurodivergent and feminist, Giulia graduated at an Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, has a BA in Cultural Heritage Studies, a MSc in Gender, Sexuality and Society and a degree in Human Interaction Engineering. Since 2020 they're also a Mental Health First Aider and a Translational Music Wellness Operator. They're an expert in Emotional Intelligence, Teenage, Responsive Parenthood, Gender, Sexuality and LGBTQIA+ Culture.
Francesco Ferreri
Sexual Counselor
Consultant, trainer and sex educator as well as anthropologist specializing in issues of gender, sexuality and the body. He is the founder of the first podcast in Italian of anthropology "Antropoché?". Co leads Non Generalizziamo, a Twitch program dedicated to Gender and Sexuality by Espressy, a multidisciplinary think tank dedicated to diversity and inclusion.
Stéphanie Pitala
Parenting Consultant (0-10yo)
Stéphanie is an IAIM infant massage teacher, an expert in child language, a BabyBrains referent, a theatre improviser, a parenting consultant from pregnancy to early childhood and a mother. She is the co-founder of La Pause Parentale in Tunisia and also here at TCI she delivers with training courses for future parents and caregivers. She defines herself in a lifelong nationality crisis: raised up till the age of 5 between the Ivory Coast, France and Italy, with an Italian mother and a French father of Polish origins, she has lived in Tunisia since 2017.
She is a multi-identity child of the world.
Fabiola Sguassero
Learning&Teaching Tutor
Fabiola guides students to learn with pleasure and teachers to teach with care. She is a learning tutor specialized in special educational needs and a trainer in inclusive and accessible teaching. In her work she weaves knowledge from time-tested pedagogical frameworks, modern neuroscience and years of personal research. The target? Building an inner image and an experience of well-being and success: on the desks, at the teacher's desk, in life! Her motto is: "keep what works, if it doesn't work ... change it!"
Raffaele Moffa
Raffaele, born in 1980, is a native of the Apulian lands and a pilgrim along the Italian roads. He has a degree in Education and Training Sciences as a professional educator, to which he has added a degree in Coordination of Educational Services and Social Services and a last another one in Pedagogical Sciences. Among the training courses he has several Masters', including a three-year course in Counseling with a transactional analytical focus and a course in Psychomotricity with a Le Boulche approach. From a career point of view, he has played various roles: from director of education to coordinator and to manager of cooperatives. He has been a school teacher in the first and second grade secondary school and he has experienced roles of innovative thinking and planning on services of social offer units. What does he want to be when he grows up? He doesn't know it yet, but he knows for sure that whatever he will do will be to try and get out of anyone, himself first and foremost, all the resources useful for living in a serene and harmonious way with all the different emotional frequencies, in the belief that living the life with amazement is the most beautiful job there is!
Valentina Elmetti
Image Consultant
Valentina is a teacher with decades of experience in schools and educational institutions, both in Italy and abroad. She is interested in training at 360 degrees and she mainly treats education as a tool for female empowerment, human rights and intercultural communication. As a trainer she is interested in fashion and style as means of communication and social cohesion within corporate training. She is interested in writing and she edits a fashion and costume column on the only Italian publication in Turkey, where she lives. The super power of her? She is fluent in English, Italian, French, Spanish and Turkish.
Malika Bamaarouf
Mediator & Negotiation Specialist
Malika has devoted herself to the study of welfare services, collaborating with realities such as the Meyer Pediatric Hospital and in non-European realities as a facilitator for Erasmus + in projects on inclusion and sustainable entrepreneurship. After being trained as a civil, family and school mediator and a long experience in contexts of high conflict, she has developed skills in project management and since 2022 she has been the director of Canvas Hub, where she is responsible of co-planning and training in the field of social innovation with a targeted work on conflict management in process development within the cultural, economic and social industries.
Martina Pavone
Leadership and Business Coach&Trainer
Martina Pavone is a professional trainer, business development consultant and coach with decades of experience in international business environments, non-profits and social institutions, schools and universities. She currently collaborates with LUISS BUSINESS SCHOOL in Rome facilitating classes on topics like Leadership, Change Management and Communication, while living in Istanbul, Turkey. For the past 6 years she has been a facilitator of educational and social projects designed and customized for schools in the fields of gender-based violence, gender mainstreaming, diversity and inclusion, emotional intelligence, non-violent communication, bullying, personal blooming and social skills. She is the co-founder of Officina della Meraviglia and WonderFULL Women and has an institutional role as a Comites Istanbul’s elected member.
Elena Lah
Team Builder&Trainer
Elena Lah is a visual designer, storyteller, journalist, performer, trainer and teacher of theatre improv. She's in charge of corporate identity and content management. These capabilities allow her to fully create multimedia products, such as websites, print volumes, videos, promotional campaigns and applications. She designs interactive and multimedia experiences to communicate art and beauty, her idea of technology is that of a tool to get closer to knowledge and to grow. Her ace in the hole? A strong intersectional feminist approach to everything she does!
Cristina Giambarresi
NLP Coach&Trainer and Learning Specialist
Strategic learning, fast reading, Mind MappingTM, memory techniques: with Cristina business has never been smarter! Founder of Intelligentia Docet since 2015, her main focus is the creation, management and planning of training programs useful for acquiring and / or improving skills and competence useful for professional growth. She is also an NLP Coaching TrainerTM and NLP Trainers TrainingTM (Charisma Enhancement) certified by the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming of Orlando (USA).
Sergio Smecca
Life Coach
Personal trainer since 2016, Sergio becomes life coach in 2021 to unleash a blooming change in people. For him, in fact, life coaching is a training of the inner state that leads to new evolutionary goals. Sergio has a Bachelor's degree in Motor Sciences, an Aicp Professional Coach diploma and has a Master's in Humanistic Coaching and NLP.
Among its values we find ethics, dedication to the truth, audacity, curiosity, love for knowledge, open-mindedness and spirituality.
Silvia Tonti
Life&Business Coach
After graduating in Finance, she started her career in the corporate field, where she discovered the centrality of relationship with people and the pleasure of supporting them and accompanying them in phases of change and evolution. She's trained as a life coach according to the guidelines of the International Coaching Federation and through Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) she's deepened the potential of communication in motivation and one's state of mind. As a coach, she works on the inseparable intertwining of rationality and emotions that characterizes every human being and pays particular attention to the complicated path of women in the world of work.
Carlo Sirtori
Corporate Trainer
Trainer, Coach and Facilitator in the areas of Human Resources, Sales, Negotiation, Safety and Organizational Wellbeing. His training methodology is purely experiential, he loves to use cards and images that allow him to achieve full involvement of the participants. Life improves with a different prospective! This means observing life events with a "different look", seeing new and different points of view. Knowing how to listen to others is the first step in learning to listen to yourself. And vice versa. Listening with your eyes, ears, brain, heart. Co-Founder of two new projects #proibitoesserefelice and #SirBea. His motto is: E M O t i v A T I O N, "Giving emotions a chance, not focusing only on numbers".
Luisa Casanova Stua
Luisa is a consultant and trainer in strategic communication. She graduated in Literature with a dissertation on gender journalism and from there she has continued to delve into communication in many different forms. Her favorite quote? "I know how to negotiate well, to be a woman", that is the phrase - profoundly misogynistic - that prompted her to study and then teach negotiation and interpersonal communication.
Her mission is to bring as many people as possible the awareness that their respective differences are actually what we have in common.
Beatrice Vedovi
Corporate Trainer
Beatrice has a Postgraduate in Education Sciences and worked as a Specialist
Retail Trainer for 17 years. In 2018 she got a Master's in Human Resources Management, as the development and the enhancement of human capital are one of her main personal and work objectives. Her continue interest in the flourishing of people led her to specialize in the Science of Happiness becoming a Positive Trainer and a CHO. The tools learned, together with her skills, allow her to build tailor-made projects, based on the needs of the specific organizational context in which she operates, always placing the person first. Each of us has the opportunity to experience and learn for life!
Luca Crippa
Leadership Coach&Trainer
Luca has developed his career and knowledge in the entrepreneurial business since the age of 21 by increasing the client base and developing innovative business strategies. An exponential personal growth starting from a small individual business up to the achievement of a management role in a local SRL, developing communication,marketing techniques and optimization of business processes gaining awareness of the importance in personal growth and in the development of one's skills. Luca's mission is to exemplify and share through training/coaching an approach based on interpersonal awareness and on the uniqueness of lifestyle that guarantee the achievement of emotional serenity, greater personal confidence, security and self-esteem with significant benefits both on a personal level how professional.
Magda Basso
Copywriter&Blog Coordinator
Copywriter with a sustainable soul and passionate about inclusive language, Magda has a degree in Modern Literature, she identifies as a language nerd and she also speaks German and English. In addition to this, she's studying the Italian Sign Language (LIS) because she dreams of ending up on the news, but as an interpreter. Magda is our communication officer and TCI's blog coordinator.
Sara Cremaschi
Back Office
Sara has worked for almost ten years in social services dealing with human rights, as well as being an activist. She works with people who need support to better organise their professional and non-professional lives and be more efficient. Awareness, constancy and care are how she breathes and works. Relationships are what she deals with: because behind every little action she takes there is a person who has a need to respond to.
Our Partners
Digitabilis - Percorsi di Esplorazione Digitale
Un trio di psicology e psicoterapeuty specializzaty nel digitale. La diffusione delle tecnologie, in particolare quelle dell’informazione e comunicazione (ICT), ha cambiato radicalmente la nostra vita e continuerà a farlo sempre di più. Cambiano gli strumenti e i linguaggi in modo rapido e sempre nuovo, e questo può spaventare. Infatti ci troviamo spesso di fronte a messaggi assolutistici ed allarmistici, che demonizzano le nuove tecnologie senza tenere conto delle risorse che possono offrire. Digitabilis propone di fare chiarezza nell’ambito di questi temi, affidandosi alla ricerca più aggiornata ed alla letteratura internazionale.
Per approfondire:
Informattiva è un ente accreditato a Regione Lombardia per i servizi al lavoro e alla formazione che opera per la piena soddisfazione delle Risorse Umane e dell’Azienda con l’obiettivo di porre sempre la Persona al centro attraverso Servizi di ricerca attiva di impiego, consulenza sulle politiche attive, tutoring, orientamento al lavoro e formazione.
Per approfondire:
Alessandro Canfarini
Psicologo, psicoterapeuta e mediatore familiare iscritto alla Società Italiana dei Mediatori Familiari (S.I.Me.F.), il dott. Canfarini è esperto in clinica delle Dipendenze Patologiche Comportamentali e dei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare e in psicologia della preadolescenza e dell’adolescenza. Nel 2008 fonda l’Associazione Centro Oikia (Onlus), nella quale ricopre il ruolo di responsabile dell’Area Minori e dei programmi di prevenzione sulle Dipendenze Patologiche e Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare.
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